Monday, January 27, 2020
Renewable Energy Policy Of The Philippines Environmental Sciences Essay
Renewable Energy Policy Of The Philippines Environmental Sciences Essay This article provides background for the current petroleum reserves scarcity problem, importance of sustainable energies, as well as the advantages and shortcomings of renewable energies development. In addition, it covers the review of renewable energy policies of four different countries, namely Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia and Vietnam. The article also summarizes results of this study by comparing approaches taken by the governments of the abovementioned nations to solve the energy scarcity issue. Although these four developing countries take different approaches in addressing the problem, they share a common ultimate objective by reducing dependence on fossil fuel and the amount of hazardous gases, including greenhouse gases and toxic gases, discharged into the atmosphere. While certain renewable energies such as biomass energy and wind power have a tendency to generate negligible amounts of carbon dioxide, others, however, are environmental friendly. Thus, the renewable ener gies developed by these countries are fairly promising and will bring significant benefits to the countries if managed wisely. Lastly, this article also attempts to draw a conclusion on the study of the four policies based on key aspects such as natural resources available and the countries vision and propose some recommendations for further development. Keywords: Renewable energy, Sustainable, Environment 1. Introduction Energy drives nearly all parts of modern life such as the transportation sector and electricity generation. Most primary energies are derived from petroleum [1]. Overreliance on petroleum has become a serious global issue in the 21st century. According to the US Department of Energy (US DOE) report, petroleum reserves are diminishing at a faster rate than the discovery speed. Based on current oil reserves, the current consumption rate and projected consumption rate are 1354 billion barrels, 86.1 million barrels per day (in year 2007) and 92.1 million barrels per day (in year 2020) respectively [2]. Current petroleum reserves are expected to be depleted within the next four decades. The situation is worsening with the rapid growth of motorization, transportation and industrialization activities. This has led to a steep rise in crude oil prices due to high demand for fossil fuel [3]. Prior to 2000, the crude oil price in NYMEX was generally under USD20/barrel. With a higher demand than supply, the price rose to USD60/barrel in 2005 and subsequently shot up to USD100/barrel in 2011 [4]. To maintain the standard of living, searching for alternative energy resources to replace the current primary fuel source is inevitable. Furthermore, the use of alternative energy does not only solve the depletion of petroleum problem, but also generates significant environmental [5-7], economic and social benefits if managed with due regard to sustainability constraints [8]. In addition, efforts on efficiency improvement in energy production and use should not be neglected [9]. In fact, this effort should receive early attention as these objectives are easier to attain , require less investment during the commissioning stage than at the optimization stage and are environmentally friendly in meeting the needs of every developing country [10], [11]. The purpose of this study is to analyze and compare four developing countries renewable energy policies in Southeast Asia. In addition, advantages and shortcomings of the policies are also identified and discussed in the later section. Further, a summary is drawn up regarding to the countries existing policies and frameworks. Lastly, suggestions for improvement on the policies are also included in this study for future review. 2. A broad look at the renewable energy policy of different developing countries Every developing country has its own unique renewable energy policy. Although some countries share a common objective or interest, none of the renewable energy policies can be identical to other renewable energy policies. For instance, the Philippines, a country which has few natural resources is mainly focusing on geothermal power in its renewable energy policy. Indonesia, a country which is rich in natural resources, on the other hand, has a more diversified renewable energy policy. In other words, the renewable energy policy of a country varies according to the countrys direction and natural resources available. In addition, efficiency of energy generated, energy used and environmental impacts are also taken into consideration during the review stage in certain policies. Although these factors do not directly affect or contribute to the development of renewable energies, impacts related to these factors should not be underestimated. Ignorance (on these issues) may lead to more ser ious catastrophic consequences to the world as some of the impacts pose significant threats to the global economy, food security, air quality and the condition of humans health [12]. 2.1 Renewable energy policy of Malaysia Traditionally, Malaysia, a country which is known for having vast amounts of petroleum resources, relies heavily on oil and gas (84%) and hydropower (16%) [13] for electricity generation. However, due to maturity of some oil reservoirs, production of oil has decreased gradually from 862 thousand barrels per day in 2004 to 713 thousand barrels per day in 2010 [14] and 630 thousand barrels per day in 2011 [15]. This problem has forced the government of Malaysia looking for viable renewable energies. To expedite the process, the government of Malaysia has established a fund, known as the Green Technology Financing Scheme (GTFS) amounting MYR 5 billion [16] as an effort to identify alternative green energy and develop green technology. Four key renewable energy sources have been identified, namely hydropower, solar power, wind energy and biomass energy. All these energies are expected to replace petroleum in the next 50 years. However, current researches on alternative energy are mainly concentrating on palm oil based biomass and biofuel with palm oil methyl esters being the preferred fuel. According to a preliminary estimation, palm oil biofuel could generate up to 20% of the countrys electricity by 2020 [17] and expect to replace the non-renewable fuel source, petroleum. Nevertheless, combustion of biofuel is always associated with greenhouse gases discharge such as carbon dioxide (CO2). Global atmospheric CO2 concentration has reported been increasing over the past century from 280ppm to 390ppm [18]. Malaysia was reportedly discharged 164.2 million tonne CO2 or 5.98 tonne CO2 per capita in 2009 [19]. It is estimated about 235.6% higher than the figure reported in 1990. A steep rise of CO2 discharge signifies the increase of environmental and health problems such as drought, rise in sea level, heavy downpours or flooding, increase mortality of wildlife, intense heat waves and increase risk of respiratory and cardiovascular diseases [20-22]. Although some parties claim that development of biofuel could reduce emission of greenhouse gases compared to fossil fuel combustion, the economic, environmental and social benefits of the current generation of biofuels vary [19]. The data does not take into consideration that deforestation for planting of palm tr ees used for biofuel production can result in one-time releases of CO2 which could be very large [19]. Furthermore, use of palm oil as feedstock in biodiesel production is also not economically feasible. Production cost of biofuel has escalated with increasing demand on palm oil due to the use of palm oil as edible oil in cooking. Although there are scopes to increase yield, massive conversion of palm oil to biodiesel will reduce reserves and eventually lead to higher palm oil prices [23]. In addition, increase in demand of palm oil would also drive global food prices higher and increase the competition for edible oil. It is undeniable that the abovementioned problems can be solved with increases palm oil production, but production increases have required rapid expansion of the area planted under oil palm [24], giving rise to serious concerns over deforestation and habitat loss as well as the drainage of peat lands. While short term governmental support such as tax exemption, regulatory intervention and promotion campaign play an important role in the biofuel development, the long ter m sustainability prospect pertaining to the environmental impact and economic is uncertain. 2.2 Renewable Energy Policy of the Philippines The government of the Philippines, however, focuses their effort mainly on geothermal energy development. It can be clearly seen from the country power generation statistic that the geothermal energy accounts for 12% of the countrys total electricity generation [25]. With the total capacity of 2000MW geothermal power plant in operation, Philippines is considered as the worlds second largest geothermal power producer [26]. This figure is far higher than the amount of energy generated by any other types of renewable energy. The effort on geothermal energy development is expected to be continued as it provides a promising future to the country. The reason why the government of the Philippines maintains its existing policy is due to present of numerous volcanos in Philippines. According to Sussman et. al., Philippines islands are complex assemblage of island arcs which have been accreting between two tectonic plates. Two opposing subduction zones have generated a series of volcanoes which extends the length of the Philippines, from northern Luzon to southern Mindanao. Most of the known high temperature (>240Ã °C) geothermal systems in the Philippines are associated with these volcano [27]. At the same time, the government of the Philippines also attempts to develop biomass energy. Philippines is known as an agricultural country which produces abundant of biomass resources [28] such as rice straw, coconut shell and sugarcane residues. These resources are believed to have a large contribution to biomass energy production as it could supply continuous stream of feedstock for biomass energy generation. Although researches on other types of energy such as biomass energy and hydropower are also given a fair consideration, progress of the researches remains modest. The problem is mainly due to lack of financial support from the Philippiness Department of Energy and private investors. Limited financial resource available is a great barrier for the development of biomass energy. In addition, lack of incentives is another factor that hinder biomass energy development as the production cost is considerably higher than fossil fuel price [29]. 2.3 Renewable Energy Policy of Indonesia Indonesia, a country which is rich in natural resources, intends to reduce its dependence on the fossil fuel and aims to reduce the depletion rate of fossil fuel reserves[30], by diversifying its focus on solar energy, wind energy, ocean wave energy, geothermal energy and biomass energy generation [31]. Below are the policies related to Renewable Energy development [32]: Green Energy Policy (Ministerial Decree No.2/2004) Small Power Generation using Renewable Energy (Ministerial Decree No. 1122 K/30/MEM/2002) Geothermal Law (Law No. 27/2003) Regulation on Electricity Supply and Utilization (Government Regulation No. 03/2005) The government of Indonesia also encourages private sector and community participations through a small renewable power purchase tariff [26]. Through this programme, renewable power producers are given freedom to develop their own renewable power plants such as micro hydro power plants, mini wind farms and solar power plants in rural area. In addition, the government of Indonesia also invests a vast amount of money on biomass [33] and biofuel development. One of the examples is combustion of rice husk and biodiesel. The country produces an average of 50 million tonnes of rice husk each year. These rice husks have a very low commercial value and limited application. Hence, the government of Indonesia propose to build some rice husk and biodiesel power plants adjacent to rice mills or palm oil plantations to supply energy to the local community. Based on preliminary estimation, the country would enjoy an additional 1600MW power generated each year from the biomass energy generated [26]. However, combustion of biomass is not environmentally friendly. Some of the hazardous compounds generated such as smoke, particulate matter, carbon monoxide, volatile organic compounds are carcinogenic or may cause cancer. Furthermore, emission of carbon dioxide and methane may also lead to global warming problem. According to World Health Organization estimation, more people in the developing world die each year from conditions related to air pollution which is mostly from inefficient, solid-wood-burning stoves [34]. According to a study conducted by World Health Organization, air pollution from solid fuel use was responsible for almost 2 million annual deaths and 2.7% of the global burden of disease in the year 2004 [35]. This makes biomass combustion the second biggest environmental contributor to ill health, behind unsafe water and sanitation [35]. Although the promising geothermal power and hydropower are also given a fair consideration, development of the areas seems to be difficult as potential investors are deterred by the lack of financial viability guarantee and unstable political circumstance [26]. Moreover, distribution or supply of electricity to remote areas or communities is not economically feasible and the state-of-art technology involved of this energy is more expensive than energy produced by conventional hydrocarbon fired plants [30]. Thus, the proposal of building a large scale hydropower plant has been postponed for years. 2.4 Renewable Energy Policy of Vietnam Unlike other developing countries, Vietnam is currently on the rapid economy growth track and is enjoying economic prosperity which it has never experienced before. A decade after the end of the Vietnam War, Vietnam underwent an intensive economic reform known as Doi Moi or socialist-oriented market economy which encouraged foreign and private investments in various industries or sectors [36], [37]. Since then the economic performance of Vietnam had started to escalate and experienced a more intensive growth than ever before [38]. This growth has mainly been the results of the strong performance of five sectors, namely manufacturing, fishery, agricultural, tourism and services industries. Although the economy of Vietnam, like other countries, has also encountered several economy setbacks such as the Asian Financial Crisis, the Burst of the Bubble of Information Technology and the Subprime Economic Crisis, the countrys economy has recovered very rapidly each time after the crisis and has managed to attain average GDP growth of 6 to 9% annually [39]. Improvement of economic performance has indirectly driven up the countrys energy demand. According to the data provided by the Institute of Energy of Vietnam, energy or electricity generated were estimated around 21TWh, 40TWh and 67TWh for the years of 2000, 2004 and 2008 respectively [40], [41], with fossil fuel as a primary source of fuel. Based on the figures provided above, the average annual growth rate of energy demand was estimated at about 15% for this period. Despite having abundant fossil fuel reserves, it is noteworthy that the population of Vietnam [42] also increased in line with economic growth [38]. In addition, Vietnams transportation sector is still undergoing explosive growth. By making the assumption that the rate of growth in energy demand remains constant, the total energy or electricity required by 2030 will be 654TWh [36]. This situation has forced the government of Vietnam looking for sustainable alternative energies. Failure to search for more renewable energies will eventually turn Vietnam into net importer [38], which will give its economy a hard hit as high oil price could lead to a higher manufacturing and living costs. Furthermore, IMF and Citigroup predicted that Vietnam will be subjected to further currency devaluation [43] in years ahead due to inflation problem. All these factors will lead to a more severe economy setback if they fail to develop more sustainable energies to replace the scarce fossil fuel. Electricity supply in Vietnam currently is virtually provided by the local government as more than three quarters of the power plants in Vietnam are operated by either government organizations under the governance of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Vietnam[41] or organizations which the government has stake or indirect interest in the companies. In short, most of the power plants are state-owned properties. These power plants are basically established under the first Power Development Master Plan, which is introduced to support the economic reformation [44]. Majority of the electricity supply to the northern and southern regions of Vietnam is generated using fossil fuel such as oil and gas (48%) and coal (17.9%) [39], which is considered unsustainable to both environment and economy. Electricity supply to the central part of Vietnam, on the other hand, is mostly generated using hydropower, which is accounted for 27.4% of the electricity supply in Vietnam [39] and is cleaner than fossil fuel combustion. Use of hydropower can be explained by the number of rivers available in Vietnam, which has about 2400 rivers of 10km long [41]. This enables the country enjoying the free and clean resource without compromising its sustainability policy. However, the potential of hydropower is still not fully exploited in Vietnam. Based on rough estimation, up to 70TWh of hydropower electricity could be generated annually [36]. The figure is higher than the countrys current energy need. Thus, the government of Vietnam is currently reviewing the existing strategy and master plan to develop hydropower for the period up to 2015 [45]. The plan of developing hydropower is not a sole solution, but certainly a wise move. In addition to the development of hydropower, the government of Vietnam also explore the possibility of utilizing wind power to generate electricity. In comparison to other countries, Vietnam has a better potential for wind energy development [46] as the country has a higher average wind speed of 7 to 9 m/s at a height of 65m [40]. Another reason encourages the country to develop hydropower is that it provides a competitive generation cost advantage. An estimation based on current wind power generation, with the cost of 8 US cents/kWh [40], indicates that the generation cost of wind power is at least 50% cheaper than other renewable energies. Moreover, wind farms can also be utilized to cultivate crops [47]. In other words, installation of wind turbines would not deter the development of the agricultural sector. This is particularly important to the country as the agricultural sector contributes significantly to its GDP. Furthermore, agricultural activities are bread and butter for p eople of the country. According to the Federal Research Division, agricultural activities account for the employment of approximately 60% of the nations workforce [48]. Thus, development of wind power could bring double benefits to the country. Although wind power generation is also associated with CO2 emission, the emission rate of CO2 from wind turbines is 100 times lower than that of coal combustion, which is insignificant or negligible. A part from the abovementioned energies, the government of Vietnam also explored other potential renewable energies such as solar power, biomass energy [49]. Solar energy is a very promising renewable energy for Vietnam as it is located very close to equator and receives up to 4500 hours sun light every year. Likewise, generation of electricity using biomass is also sustainable as Vietnam is rich in organic and natural resources such as forest, plants, agricultural by-products and edible oil. However, development of renewable energy was very slow and the move was not well received by the community previously. This was mainly due to factors such as limited understanding of renewable energies, lack of expertise support in this field and ignorance about importance of renewable energy to the country. Thus, the updated revised Master Plan for Nation Power Development of Vietnam has already included design principles for the implementation of the Vietnam Competitive Generation Market [50] to increase potential of renewable energy development. In addition, renovation of management is also taken into consideration to attract foreign investors [37] and foreign talents. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Finance also shows a strong support on the plan by increasing tax imposed on profit gained by power plants through oil, gas and coal combustion. 3. Conclusion In conclusion, energy is essential to every countrys development. However, overreliance on fossil fuels in energy generation has become a critical issue. Following the footsteps of the developed countries, most developing countries in Southeast Asia have started reviewing their sustainable energy policies and searched for viable renewable energies to replace the scarce resources. While some countries choose to focus on biomass energy or wind power research and development, others, on the other hand, take a more diversified approach. These policies are mainly designed according to the resources available and each countrys vision. For instance, Malaysia allocates more financial resources on biofuel development as the country possesses vast amounts of palm oil plantation or land. While the Philippines choose to maintain its exploration effort on geothermal energy and biomass developments as country is located in the western part of the Pacific Rim, which is the weakest part of the earth crust [51]. This gives the country the advantage of using the magna of the earth crust to generate steam and electricity. Indonesia, a country which is rich in natural resources, tries to variegate fuel resources by exploring different potential energies. Their counterpart, Vietnam, however, chooses to invest on hydropower development as it has more than 2400 rivers with 10km long [41]. In addition, efficiency of energy generated and environmental impacts are also taken into consideration during policy review stage as legislators believed that under-estimation of the impacts related to these factors may lead to catastrophic impairments to environment and economy. It is undeniable that development of all these renewable energies would reduce human dependence on fossil fuel, however the long term prospect for these energies is uncertain. For instance, combustion of biofuel may not be environmental friendly as well as economically viable in the long term. Thus, a more comprehensive evaluation should be taken into consideration during the policy review stage. In addition, present energy strategy should adapt to new criteria which must be followed in future energy system development [52].
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Web Marketing for CVS Drugstore
The web marketing would be the best option for CVS as it is one of the most effective and cost effective online marketing strategy (Businesswire. com, 2006). The following online marketing strategies can be used in the process to attract volume and quality to the online drug store of CVS. CVS is apt at handling the online drugstore with efficient marketing techniques related to information recognition and spread. Click and Mortar delivery options: The marketing strategy at this point is to introduce several customer support options to address the customers issues related to timely delivery of the drugs.Other marketing strategy like online order tracking and easy payment methods would also serve a great strategy. Online order tracking mechanism would be quite helpful to any customer to know the status of the order and accordingly take action. This would also boost their confidence in handling their order. Flexible payment methods would encourage more customers to engage in the online operations. The marketing strategy at this point would be to incorporate several marketing techniques for widespread use. Online merchandising marketing strategy:The various analysis of the products and their category is essential to CVS as they would track at any point of time the various products that are selling presently and focus on the ones who needs a market yet. The marketing aspects at this stage would be to do some online marketing for the company in regard to various products which needs a push. The performance reasons for doing so would foster better sales of the products. Online banners specifically targeting some of the products would be circulated in the online trade centers, retail chains, other stores and so on.The primary activity in marketing at this point is to understand the customerââ¬â¢s needs and thus the analysis of products sale is essential element to this. Knowing the customer well The knowledge of the customers for the prospective CVS products and ser vices were not analyzed correctly. It did not mature from the customer analysis and all efforts to fetch the right customer for the product were not arrived at. This point needs to be stressed severely for personalization benefits. Lack of technological understanding:The large spending of CVS towards making it a successfully integrated online drugs company by marketing it along ISP, mobile and broadband production business would result into large scale analysis and sale of the various marketing preferences enforced in practice. The media propagation and involvement of mobile technology would result in wide spread of the knowledge of CVS products and services. Evaluation of technology The 21st century marketing techniques would involve fetching the internet users an e-marketing solution which would involve promotion of various initiatives at a place which is largely accessible.Some technological aspects which can be considered are web 2. 0 techniques to penetrate into aspects where p eople meet at an internet social place. Podcasts With the incoming of iPods, this tool can be widely used for allowing product marketing. It originally called audio Blogs. The audio recordings in MP3 format. It can be played on desktop computer or other MP3 devices (most famous is Appleââ¬â¢s iPod MP3 player). CVS can use it to its advantage to announce its products. The podcasting is quite an effective way as this technology is largely spreading all over the globe for widespread communications.RSS feeds Timely delivery of message is very crucial for determining the right use of it. CVS can use it to its advantage in entailing a better perspective towards information use and retrieval. The user subscribes to ââ¬Å"RSS feedsâ⬠from CVS website. The user then installs software called an ââ¬Å"aggregatorâ⬠or ââ¬Å"feed readerâ⬠onto their computer. The software periodically checks for updates in RSS feeds from different subscribed to websites and updates user with info from the feed. One issue is that there are different RSS formats, and thus compatibility issues.The marketing techniques which can be used for CVS can be expressed using the following rules of information and technology literacy: 1. The ability to recognize a need for information 2. The ability to distinguish ways in which the information ââ¬Ëgapââ¬â¢ may be addressed 3. The ability to construct strategies for locating information 4. The ability to locate and access information 5. The ability to compare and evaluate information obtained from different sources 6. The ability to organize, apply and communicate information to others in ways appropriateThe basic use of technology would be to ascertain its effective use in business marketing and sales. The primary idea is to establish the various needs and ensure better framework of the idea. The web 2. 0 technology would ensure numerous impacts towards various business objectives (Berners, 2001). The specific E-marketing asp ects would not only revolutionize the online presence but also ensure greater confidence among the stakeholders. The following can be enforced for the CVS drugstore: â⬠¢ Incorporation of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategies ââ¬â This can be well felt as search engines are optimized for the various tags.The SEO factors ensure better search results for all its services. The distinguishing point is that it is optimized for performance in Europe region more than all over the world due to the performance statistics (Strauss, 2005). â⬠¢ Personalization of content: The extensive use of web 2. 0 strategies needs to be exploited at CVS to a large extent. The users would be able to organize information in accordance to their choices like mobile streaming and alert system The incorporation of online video streaming for various products and purchase over the internet would facilitate better use. References/Bibliography Andrews, Todd (2007).Breakthrough in Home Video: CVS/phar macy Introduces World's First Digital One-Time-Use Video Camcorder. Retrieved 2, April 2009 from http://www. prnewswire. com/cgi-bin/stories. pl? ACCT=109&STORY=/www/story/06-06-2005/0003818095&EDATE. Berners, T. Lee (2001). Weaving the Web. Orion Business Books. HarperCollins, New York. Businesswire. com (2006). CVS/pharmacy and Photo Channel Launch New Online Photo Service. Retrieved 2, April 2009 from http://www. allbusiness. com/retail/retailers-nonstore-retailers-mail-order-internet/5447368-1. html Strauss, Judy and Frost, Raymond (2005). ââ¬Å"E-Marketingâ⬠, 4th Ed, Pearson Prentice Hall.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Effetcs of methemphetamine use
Section A: Background (300- 400 words using formal, referenced, academic writing) What is your enquiry question about? This enquiry question seeks to uncover the relationship between methamphetamine (MA) use and the influence it has over criminal behavior. MA affects the central nervous system by stimulating the dopamine and morphogenesis receptors in the brain to produce the effect of alertness, euphoria and a sense of well being which In they would normally not take part in (Angling, Burke, Protect, Stammer, & Dad- noirs, 2000). According to (Angling et al. 2000) the physiological alterations in the body under the influence is similar to the fight-or-flight syndrome, which consist of a sis in blood pressure, body temperature, heart and breathing rate. Some unfavorable side effects include stomach cramps, shaking, cardiac arrhythmia, as well as increased anxiety, aggressiveness, paranoia, insomnia and hallucinations (Angling et al. , 2000). Production of MA relatively easy and altho ugh access to the necessary precursor chemicals can be reduced, it cannot be eliminated as most of the tools and chemicals required are everyday household items.MA is manufactured in clandestine laboratories that normally gets set up in houses, apartments and other buildings, which make it easier for them to be hidden from local law enforcement (Witter, Marty, Mueller, Catchalls, & Newman, 2007). Why is it important to study this specific issue/debate/problem? The negative implications surrounding MA use does not only affect the user but also the wider community. The hazardous chemicals found at clandestine labs can cause health issues to first responders entering the labs during or after MA production such as sore throats, respiratory problems, headaches and eye and skin irritation (Witter et al. 2009). There can be increased health risks for paramedics transporting MA users as there is greater chance that the user could be HIVE positive due to the reported association between MA u se and HIVE risk behaviors (Carrier, Greenbelt, & Michael, 2011). According to (Eyeliners & Biostatic, 2006, p. 79) there's can also be increased complications for paramedics when transporting patients under the influence of MA because they may not reveal that they are using the drug and require more invasive cardiac monitoring, presser support and procedures.Section B: Report of Enquiry Activity What changes have you made to your enquiry question and why (if you have not changed your question at all, why? The first question was about the effects of methamphetamine use on the human body but that was considered a closed question and did not provide an opportunity create an argument. A change was done to structure the question so that an enquiry could be made whereas before most readers would know methamphetamine was bad for the human body, therefore I changed the question to find out what influence methamphetamine could have on other events.Bearing in mind the changes (if any) you ha ve made, what is your current enquiry question? How does methamphetamine use influence criminal behavior? Using a credible information source, define qualitative and quantitative modes of enquiry (in your own words; do not use quotes). Ensure that your source is referenced in-text and a full citation is supplied in the references section (at the end regular data into applicable statistics (Anderson, 2006). It can be used to compute behaviors; opinions, attitudes and other ascertain variables while generalizing results from a larger sample population (Anderson, 2006).The measurable data can then be formulated into facts, which in turn are used to uncover patterns during the research (Anderson, 2006). The various data collection methods include surveys, interviews, longitudinal studies, online polls and systematic observations (Anderson, 2006). Qualitative research is largely an exploratory research. It can be deployed to gain underlying opinions, reasons and motivations to make it a valuable tool to help develop ideas or hypotheses for quantitative research (Anderson, 2006). Trends on opinions and thoughts can be uncovered allowing further research to go deeper into the problem (Anderson, 2006).Frequently used methods include individual interviews, focus groups and observation of participants (Anderson, 2006). Respondents are chosen to fulfill a certain quota while the sample size is typically small (Anderson, 2006). Which mode(s) of enquiry (qualitative and/or quantitative) will be most relevant to answer your enquiry, and why? Quantitative research is be more relevant to answer this enquiry question as methamphetamine users and individuals involved in crime are not likely to admit the activities they are involved in. Deemphasizing users can also be under the influence of various substances legal and illegal therefore the information collected during qualitative methods may not be accurate. Being that quantitative research involves statistics that can be colle cted with data provided from government agencies that deal with large populations like law enforcement, customs and hospitals. List three of your search phrases by completing the tables below. Include synonyms, truncation, Boolean operators and quotation marks as appropriate.You may add or delete columns, depending on the number of keywords in your enquiry. Concept 1 keyword Booleans (AND/OR) Concept 2 keyword Concept 3 keyword Methamphetamine And History Problem HIVE Persistence ââ¬Å"Law enforcementâ⬠ââ¬Å"Symptoms experiencedâ⬠What combinations of specific search phrases and pathways have you used to find credible sources? Give full details (a short paragraph for each search) of two specific searches (phrase and database, e. G. , Google Scholar) you used to obtain credible information sources. 1 .The TAUT library search was used with the phrase Methamphetamine and history and problem, I found the Journal article with the information I needed but a DOI was not availa ble and the website address was through a proxy server so I had to extract key words from the title and used Google scholar to find the Journal and article on Taylor and Francis online. . I used TAUT library search with the phrase methamphetamine and ââ¬Å"law enforcementâ⬠and ââ¬Å"symptoms experiencedâ⬠to find the journal article and then was linked to Taylor and Francis online, as TAUT subscribes to that website I was able to access the materials.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
The Importance Of Reading For A Better Good, For The...
ââ¬Å"Once you learn to read, you will be forever free.â⬠Frederick Douglass once said this for the purpose of promoting reading for the better good, for the freedom of African Americans. While his purpose no longer pertains to our modern world, his message is still carried in todayââ¬â¢s society. Carl Sagan relates to the oratorââ¬â¢s quote by saying, ââ¬Å"Frederick Douglass taught that literacy is the path from slavery to freedom. There are many kinds of slavery and many kinds of freedom, but reading is still the path.â⬠This couldnââ¬â¢t have been worded in any better way; Sagan is arguing that reading is the path to anything. A path to freedom, a path to imagination, a path for a child to follow on his road toward greatness. Reading is perhaps one of the oldest activities of the human race and still lives on today. Numerous forms of literature are the roots of our modern world that we see today. For example, Thomas Paineââ¬â¢s Common Sense is an inspiration for revolt against the British and is perhaps the sole reason for the American Revolution to take place. The great nation of America wouldnââ¬â¢t exist without the American Revolution which therefore wouldnââ¬â¢t have happened if Thomas Paine did not write, ââ¬Å"One of the strongest natural proofs of the folly of hereditary right in kings, is, that nature disapproves it, otherwise, she would not so frequently turn it into ridicule by giving mankind an ass for a lion.â⬠Another example of literature changing the world can be The Wealth of Nations by AdamShow MoreRelatedEssay on Freedom1067 Words à |à 5 Pages Freedom is defined as the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action. In An Indianââ¬â¢s View of Indian Affairs, Chief Joseph petitions for freedom. Martin Luther Kingââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"I Have a Dreamâ⬠speech is a call for freedom. 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Yet there is still the unequal treatment between whites and blacks, as a country America has emerged from worse standings before with the aid of great visionaries. In the era of the Harlem Renaissance poets used art as a voice of reason. Granted, there were many poets who impacted the movement against racial inequality, Langston Hughes turned the pages with inspiring work. Whereas in Langston Hughes poem DreamsRead MoreDifferences Between Du Bois And Marcus Garvey1688 Words à |à 7 Pagesand mass education a unified empire of people of African descent. Du Bois also op posed Marcus Garvey whom he considered a demagogue, although they shared a commitment to Pan-Africanism and the liberation of Africa. Du Bois rejected many of Garveyââ¬â¢s policies and mounted a campaign to expose corruption and mismanagement of Garveyââ¬â¢s famous Black Star Shipping Line: a black cross-continental trade venture. Pan-Africanism is ââ¬Å"a movement of people of African descent from sub-Saharan Africa in the early twentiethRead MoreSojourner Truth And Garvey For African American Rights1448 Words à |à 6 Pagesprimary document sources. Women have just as much to say, if not more than men, especially during times where they were denied basic rights. Sojourner Truth, Amy Garvey, and Ella Baker were all African American activists for human rights; Truth and Garvey for womenââ¬â¢s rights and Baker for African American rights. Each woman brings a new perspective to the movements and has great reasoning. During a time when women werenââ¬â¢t allowed to say muc h, they had a great amount to say. Sojourner Truth was aRead MoreAnalysis Of James Baldwin s The Sonny s Blue Reading 1124 Words à |à 5 Pageslived in Harlem. For instance in the sonnyââ¬â¢s blue reading, the narrator mentioned he lived in a housing project and he said ââ¬Å"I had the feeling that I was simply bringing him back into the danger he had almost died trying to escapeâ⬠. The narrator and his bother sonny knew how dangerous, poor, and neglect neighbor they were living. Even sonny said ââ¬Å"I wanted to leave Harlem so bad was to get away from drugsâ⬠. In the reading, he also focused in the importance of brothers boundaries. The relationship betweenRead MoreAfter the Fact: Bottom Rail on Top1721 Words à |à 7 PagesAAfter The Fact: The View From the Bottom Rail Chris Bean Bl: A 5/29/12 Mr. Penza Summary of Chapter: With the sound of cannons and gunshots firing in the air, slaves in the south knew that freedom was coming to a nation of four million slaves. Union soldiers would be portrayed as bad foreigners from their masters, with, ââ¬Å" long horns on their heads, and tushes in their mouths, and eyes sticking out like a cow.â⬠(Page 171) Some slaves were overjoyed with rumors of emancipation and leaving their plantationsRead MoreEducation Is Not Preparation For Life1350 Words à |à 6 Pagesdepriving someone of their education is depriving them of their life. Throughout the centuries, human beings have sought educational freedom. The United States of America has become a symbol for all who seek life, or education rather. Millions of people come to the United States, from less privileged countries, each year in hopes for a better education that is coupled with a better life. Today, unfortunately, the U.S has lost its edge in the education department. Many studies today show this failure , ââ¬Å"theRead MoreEducation Is Not Preparation For Life1354 Words à |à 6 Pagesdepriving someone of their education is depriving them of their life. Throughout the centuries, human beings have sought educational freedom. The United States of America has become a symbol for all who seek life, or education rather. Millions of people come to the United States, from less privileged countries, each year in hopes for a better education that is coupled with a better life. Today, unfortunately, the U.S has lost its edge in the educational department. Many studies today show this failure, ââ¬Å"theRead MoreThe Civil Rights Movement Of Fareed Zakaria s The Rise Of Illiberal Democracy 1548 Words à |à 7 Pagesassignment. The first is a summarization and my take on Zakariaââ¬â¢s article, along with answered questions from the assignment. The second is a research portion, provided by the listed sources, about the civil rights movement. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the Zakaria articl e and it was an eye-opener looking into the civil rights movement. Fareed Zakariaââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"The Rise of Illiberal Democracyâ⬠details his view on elected governments and the ignorance and abuse of their power. He claims that they do not
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